The European Parliament Ambassador Schools Programme (EPAS)
Welcome to the European Parliament Ambassador School (EPAS) Programme; a network of secondary and vocational schools and colleges across the European Union and the United Kingdom raising awareness of European parliamentary democracy and European citizenship values among students (14-18 years old), through active engagement.
By taking part in the programme, students will learn about the role of the European Parliament, European values, will be encouraged to take a leading role in shaping their participation, and will develop a set of new skills much needed for successful careers, such as leadership, cooperation, communication, community building and creativity.
The programme is open to all secondary schools and colleges in the EU and the UK. It starts in the autumn and runs for a school year. It finishes with accreditation of the schools that have successfully completed the program; students and teachers will be recognised with a certificate. Ambassador Schools are given priority access to other European Parliament opportunities such as training, events, and trips.
Registration for the next term of EPAS is open until 20 September 2024; to kick off the programme a teacher CPD will be held at Europe House in London on 27 September.
More information
• Sign up to the 2024/25 programme here>>
• Check out the teacher testimonials on our youtube channel >>
• Find out more about the UK edition of the programme >>
• Download a flyer to share with colleagues >>
• See the map of schools currently participating in the UK >>
• See the map of schools accredited across the EU and the UK >>
• For a full overview check the Ambassador Schools website >>
The accreditation
School evaluations will be carried out and if all the conditions are met, the school will be officially designated a “European Parliament Ambassador School” (EPAS). This includes the award of a plaque that can be displayed in the school, and a logo for the school website. Plaques are presented to successful schools at an annual Awards Ceremony. Schools unable to attend the ceremony are encouraged to invite a former MEP to their school to make the presentation on behalf of the European Parliament. Senior and Junior Ambassadors will receive a special Ambassador Certificate. The designation as an Ambassador School is reviewed annually. Schools need to reregister on the programme each year.
Evaluation criteria
Firstly, sign up >>
- APPOINT SENIOR AND JUNIOR AMBASSADORS - Senior Ambassadors are any staff working on the project. Junior Ambassadors are the young people running the events.
- USE THE TEACHING MATERIAL - Senior Ambassadors can organise lessons based on the EPAS Student Workbook and Teacher's Manual. Senior Ambassadors may also use the interactive educational tool 'Europe at school - Active lessons about the European Union' or our Educational Resources designed for UK teachers.
- CREATE AN INFO POINT - Set up a physical or online place where your college/school community can find out more about Europe, the European Union, the European Parliament, and/or the work of your Ambassador Schools team.
- MARK EUROPE DAY - Organise an activity on the occasion of Europe Day on or around the 9th of May to raise awareness of its core message of peace.
- SHARE EUROPEAN CULTURE AND/OR PROMOTE DEMOCRATIC ENGAGEMENT - Junior Ambassadors run an event or activity that celebrates an aspect of European culture and/or encourage democratic engagement, such as a debate, election promotion, or lesson on fake news.
- Engage with the tools of the Digital Journey to the European Parliament
- Book an in-person educational session at your school or Europe House in London
- eTwin with other EPAS schools in the network
- Join the EPAS eTwinning group. eTwinning is the platform hosting the European community for schools and teachers for peer learning, professional development, and most importantly, for doing cross-border projects with their students.
- Take part in Euroscola competitions or join an online Euroscola session;
- Take part in Online Youth Talks organised by the European Parliament;
- Take part in Online Youth Seminars organised by the European Parliament;
- Apply to take part in the EU Model Council, an annual competition simulating a European Council whereby each school represents an EU member state.
- Make a visit to the European Parliament.
- Participate in a study trip. If you get selected and participate in a trip as part of the Ambassador Schools program (Euroscola, Transnational EPAS, seminars) we ask you to briefly share your experience.
Evidence is uploaded through a simple online form and, with your permission, shared on our website.
Youth programmes
- The European Parliament Ambassador Schools Programme (EPAS)
- Interactive learning sessions at Europe House or in your school/college
- Digital Journey to the European Parliament
- The Euroscola Programme
- Teaching and Learning Resources
- Expert-led talks at Europe House for groups
- Youth Outreach Contact