Speaking Citizens: connecting communities
Join the Speaking Citizens project and the English Association at Europe House for an afternoon of civic dialogue. Aimed at classroom teachers, school leaders, academics, charity representatives, funders and employers, we will convene communities to celebrate recent research publications and discuss next steps for oracy and citizenship in education and society.
Attendance is free and registration is via Eventbrite.
The event is co-organised by the European Parliament Liaison Office in the UK, the English Association, the University of Sussex, Speaking Citizens, AHRC, the British Academy and Durham University.
12.00 Lunch on arrival
Possibilities for young people and teachers to engage with the European Parliament, Anna-Maria Huth.
How to speak with impact in the European Parliament, Isabelle Gaudeul-Ehrhart.
2.15pm – 3.15pm
What have we learned about speaking and listening education? Celebrating the English Association’s oracy publications: an overview from Becky Fisher, Arlene Holmes-Henderson, Tom Wright and journal contributors.
3.15pm - 3.45pm Break
3.45pm - 4.30pm
Panel discussion: responding to the Oracy Commission recommendations and…where next?
4.30pm - 5pm
Meet and mingle (networking opportunity)
5.15pm – 6.30pm
Book launch and reception: ‘Oracy: the politics of speech education’ (ed. Tom Wright) and the premiere of Speaking Citizens animated films